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美文赏析:你值得拥有更好的 你值得一看

Stop unfruitful effort。


What’s the point of spending your time and energy on something that doesn’t work? The more you spend your time and energy there, the more you waste your resources。


Avoid spreading yourself too thin。


There are probably ny things that you want to achieve. But you can’t achieve everything you want. Your resources are limited so you need to choose and prioritize. If you try to do too ny things at once you will end up achieving nothing。

你可能想完成很多工作,但不可能每件像预想一样做好。精力是有限的,所以面对眼前的繁多工作,要分得清轻重缓急。想要 同时事事兼顾,结果只会一事无成。

Reduce your stress.


Pursuing too ny things means giving yourself unnecessary pressure. Don’t let your ambition stop you from enjoying your life。


Free up time for your loved ones。


Don’t be so busy that you don’t have time for your loved ones. By giving up, you ease your burden and free up time to build meaningful relationships。
